Our Work
Malnutrition is preventable.
Poshan Initiative
In our direct intervention involves identifying and training women from local communities as field officers. The field officers counsel mothers and families with children in the first 1000 days on health and nutritional practices using our technology innovation, the NuTree app.

Anganwadi Accelerator Programme: System Strengthening Approach
There are over a million Anganwadi workers (government childcare workers) who work with about 70 million mothers and children across the country to prevent malnutrition. They are employed under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). Our Anganwadi Accelerator Programme works towards improving the capacity and capability of the Anganwadi system, and ensures sustained reduction of malnutrition by building agency and support for mothers in the first 1000 days.
Wadia Intervention
Designed for early identification of malnutrition (acute and chronic) among children visiting the OPD at the Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital, this project provides appropriate interventions for them – preventing them from going into states of malnutrition further. The initiative also incorporates an education component for pregnant women and lactating mothers who visit the Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital (NWMH).